uAvionix’s RT-2087/ZPX-A micro-transponder has been certified by the Department of Defense (DoD) Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System Identification Friend or Foe Program Office (AIMS PO). Now certified in accordance with the AIMS 17-1000 performance specification, the RT-2087/ZPX enables small DoD aircraft to cooperatively participate in National Airspaces worldwide with civil transponder Modes 3/A, C, S, and Extended Squitter (ES) ADS-B OUT.
Weighing only 50 grams and with a complete footprint roughly 2/3rd the size of a business card, the ZPX-A delivers 200 watts of transmit power while only drawing an average of 1.5 watts from the aircraft’s power supply. The ZPX-A profile is small enough and light enough to be fitted into Group 1 or 2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), making possible longer flight times and larger payloads with minimal energy consumption.

The incorporation of Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) technology into small, tactical, and attritable platforms allows them full participation into the cross-troop, cross-service, and cross-nation collaboration and situational awareness that prevents fratricide.
When paired with truFYX, uAvionix’s SBAS GPS, ZPX-A is well-suited for operation in controlled airspace, delivering safe separation information to Air Traffic Control (ATC), Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), and Detect and Avoid (DAA) systems.
ZPX-A takes advantage of its heritage from the recently FAA TSO-certified ping200X, which combines a Mode A, C, S Transponder, ADS-B OUT, and an altitude encoder into a single module certified to the following TSOs:
• TSO-C112e (Mode S Transponder)
• TSO-C166b (ADS-B OUT Extended Squitter)
• TSO-C88b (altitude encoder)