uAvionix, a leading developer of communications, navigation, and surveillance solutions for military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), has partnered with Defense Advancement to demonstrate its expertise in this field.
The company’s ‘Platinum’ profile showcases its low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) and affordable ADS-B transponders, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transmitters and receivers, and GPS receivers for the defense sector.
Developed for UAS Groups 1-5, the ZPX-B Micro IFF comes in an ultra-light 70-gram package. The Combat ID and Air Traffic Control surveillance transponder equips aircraft as small as 6kg with compliant Mode 1,2,3/A,C,S, and 5 capability, at a full 54dBm/250W transmit power. Learn more >
ZPX-C is a low-SWaP IFF Mode 5 diversity transponder, developed for UAS Groups 4-5. It has Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) IN for Detect and Avoid (DAA) funcitionality, and can be combined with a micro-crypto appliqué for the latest NATO Mode 5 encryption capabilities. Learn more >
Suited to airborne and shipboard deployments, as well as UAS ground control stations and permanent infrastructure, the ZPX-R is a Mode 5 Squitter and ADS-B receiver developed to provide situational awareness for military aircraft. Learn more >
Designed for integration with drone autopilots and Mode 5 and ADS-B OUT systems, the ZPX-G is a Technical Standard Orders (TSO) C145e-derived SBAS GPS position source. Learn more >
To find out more about uAvionix and its IFF and Mode 5 Combat ID for military UAS, please visit the company’s profile page: https://www.defenseadvancement.com/company/uavionix-corporation/