Trillium has released Version 24.1 of its SkyLink fully integrated UAS gimbal user interface software, the next major firmware update from Version 23.2.
Trillium’s SkyLink software is designed for the operator’s ease of use. It serves as an efficient interface that alleviates workload burdens and requires minimal training, enabling first-class execution of UAS missions.
SkyLink Version 24.1 features include automatic connections to gimbals within the network, precise measurements derived from video feeds, Splash-to-Target functionality, and advanced distance/bearing mapping capabilities.
The new Version 24.1 supports all Trillium gimbal types and uses the company’s updated convention for software release numbering (year, major release number, unique ID number).
24.1.13509 SkyLink
New Features and Improvements:
- Added LD Armed and Active to SkyLink CSV outputs
- Laser Temperature reports in system telemetry tab
- Update SkyLink to include GeoJSON RFC7946 formatted file for snapshots
- Added an indication when turning off/on fine pan or tilt with a XBox controller
- When commanding Geopoint mode by double-clicking the map, the gimbal will stay in Geopoint mode rather than returning to Scene mode
- SkyLink and OrionUi can optionally search all system network adapters including loopback
- OrionUi – Added ability to edit orionconfig files without a gimbal
- Stability Test Suite (STS) added for vibration testing from OrionUi or standalone
24.1.13509 Gimbal Firmware
New Features and Improvements:
- Gimbal MAC address will persist between power cycles
- Laser temperature reporting
- Geolocation service is enabled by default on gimbals that support it
OrionSDK Changes:
- TleStatus and TleCommand packets are now public
- TrackOptions packet becomes public
- Created a new SDK example for changing object track size using TrackOptions packet
- Fixed build issue related to FFMPEG linking in VideoPlayer example
- Add a check for special flags in double precision KLV tags in VideoPlayer example
Trillium state that its Engineering’s software team consistently raises the bar, swiftly rolling out enhancements and pioneering innovations.
Downloads are available through the Integration Documents page.
Click here for more information and bug fixes with the recent update.