Military Anti-Drone Guns
Anti-drone guns are CUAS devices designed to neutralize unauthorized or hostile drones by either kinetic or non-kinetic means. Techniques can include the disruption of communication and control systems or the use of nets or projectiles to disable the UAS. Jammer guns function by emitting electromagnetic signals to interfere with the drone's GPS and radio frequencies, effectively severing its link with its operator.Anti-drone guns are used by military, law enforcement and security personnel to protect themselves, other people, or critical areas and assets such as military bases, forward operating posts, government buildings and controlled airspace against rogue drone threats.
Kinetic & Non-Kinetic C-UAS Guns
C-UAS (counter-unmanned aerial systems) guns can be divided into two main classes – kinetic and non-kinetic.
- Kinetic anti-drone weapons use a projectile or some other form of physical effector to disable the target drone
- Non-kinetic systems emit some kind of signal that interferes with the operation of the drone
The most common form of non-kinetic counter-drone weapon is the drone jamming gun. These devices are typically portable and are designed with a familiar rifle or pistol form factor in order to allow personnel to take down drone threats with a point-and-shoot capability that requires minimal training.
Kinetic counter-UAS weapons may include net launcher guns that entangle the target drone, rendering it unable to fly and enabling the aircraft to be captured for intelligence or forensic evidence. They may also use physical projectiles to destroy the drone. Kinetic solutions may provide a faster method of shutting down rogue threats, but may lead to safety concerns due to the falling drone or pieces of shrapnel posing a threat to people in the immediate area.
Drone Jamming Guns
Drone jamming guns emit radio frequency (RF) signals that interfere with the drone’s control and navigation systems by drowning out legitimate signals on frequencies such as 900 MHz, 2.4 GHZ, and 5.8 GHz, as well as cellular communications frequencies for 4G and 5G.
Some drone jammer guns may also be able to jam or spoof GPS and GNSS signals. Depending on the model of drone, use of a jamming gun may result in the aircraft landing, returning to the operator, or hovering in place until it runs out of battery.