Certified avionics solutions specialist Sagetech has released a case study focused on the advantages of the next-gen Mx12B transponder to military operations.
In the case study: How The MX12B Mode 5 IFF Level 2B Transponder Delivers Results, Sagetech outlines how the micro Mode 5 IFF transponder is crucial to minimizing fratricide and maximizing military air superiority.
The case study goes on to discuss how the military can benefit from having a Mode 5 Level 2B transponder with ADS-B In and Out capabilities, and examines in depth the advantages the MX12B can deliver to situational awareness, interoperability, and manned and unmanned teaming.
The paper also looks at compliance with civilian airspace requirements, and how the ability to distinguish between friends and foes on the battlefield is crucial in determining the outcome of modern conflicts.
Sagetech’s next-gen Mx12B transponder is the only micro Mode 5 IFF transponder fully compliant with DOD AIMS Mk XIIB specification.