Thermal Imaging Optics: Powering Defense EO Systems Excellence
FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4 Folded optics lens for air, land and sea gimbals and payloads
FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4

Folded optics lens for air, land and sea gimbals and payloads

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FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4

The Ophir FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4 is a continuous zoom MWIR lens optimized for 10μm SXGA detectors. With an innovative folded optics design that delivers excellent performance even under highly challenging conditions, it is ideal for UAVs, unmanned systems, and other aerial, land- and sea-based tactical payloads and gimbals.

The compact and lightweight lens provides a vehicle detection range of over 20km, and features a built-in mechanical shutter for NUC control.


Dimensions (D x L) 146 x 247 mm
Weight 2kg
Current Consumption <0.5A average
1A peak
Detection Range 14.5 km human
20.4 km vehicle