Skynode S is a compact chip-down flight control and mission computing solution designed to equip small unmanned platforms with the power of the Auterion software ecosystem. Requiring just a single connection to interface with most quadcopter ESCs, it supports up to 8 motors in total. In addition to small multirotor platforms, Skynode S is also suited to larger fixed-wing and VTOL systems.
With the ability to deploy AI and computer vision applications at scale, Skynode S is ideal for loitering munitions and attritable systems. The powerful onboard computer runs Auterion T&I (Track and Intercept) software, allowing operators to select and engage static and moving targets from significant distances with minimal training. The software's automatic flight mode can then intercept these targets with low CEP, even if the communications link is lost during the terminal phase.
The system works out-of-the-box with many USB cameras, and supports two connected MIPI cameras.