EMCORE Corporation is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG), Ring Laser Gyro (RLG), and MEMS-based inertial sensors and navigation systems for aerospace and defense.
DA is pleased to welcome EMCORE on board as a supplier partner, and we will be highlighting their unique solutions and capabilities across our channels over the next 12 months.
We’ve just launched EMCORE’s Defense Advancement supplier profile, which has been written and built by our team in collaboration with the company.
The profile showcases the company’s comprehensive product suite serving a broad range of tactical, navigation and strategic-grade requirements for armed forces worldwide.
Read on to find out more about EMCORE’s products:
EMCORE’s TACNAV tactical navigation systems for military ground vehicles provide resilient and unjammable A-PNT capabilities without reliance on vulnerable satellite-based data.
EMCORE’s robust inertial measurement units provide reliable acceleration and angular rate outputs for GPS-denied navigation, precise targeting, line-of-sight stabilization and other mission-critical use cases.
The company’s CIRUS (Compact Inertial Reference Unit for Space) products deliver cutting-edge strategic-grade inertial navigation, guidance, pointing and stabilization for defense applications.
Inertial Navigation Systems
The company’s rugged ultra-reliable inertial navigation systems provide state-of-the-art navigation, guidance and control for a wide variety of platforms including fixed-wing aircraft and rotorcraft, weapon systems, unmanned systems, and land vehicle platforms. The product family includes high-performance GNSS-aided systems that utilize sophisticated sensor fusion to ensure precision and accuracy even in the event of loss of GPS tracking.
Fiber Optic & MEMS Gyroscopes
EMCORE’s range of single- and multi-axis FOG and quartz MEMS gyroscopes offer superior performance with a lower SWaP-C (size, weight, power and cost) footprint than competing units and legacy designs. Delivering robust angular rate data for tactical to navigational-grade requirements, our gyros are ideal for precision navigation in GPS-denied environments, gimbal and platform stabilization, and integration into higher-order systems.
Pointing & Positioning Systems
The high-performance pointing and position location systems have been selected for and combat-proven on U.S. Army programs such as the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), and can be easily adapted to any current or future weapon system or sensor requiring precision pointing and positioning.
Battlefield Inertial Surveying Systems
The Improved Position and Azimuth Determining System (IPADS) is an inertial surveying system designed to meet demanding military requirements. The rugged and easily transportable solution is housed in a robust frame, is two-person portable and is ideal for survey operations and artillery and weapons initialization and alignment.
It can be provided with an optional GNSS receiver, and an international version (IPADS-I) is available to suit the needs of military forces around the world.
Digital Naval Compass
EMCORE’s digital magnetic compass is ideal for a wide range of naval vessels and small watercraft, and has been authorized by the U.S. Navy as a replacement for magnetic card compasses on all of its ships. Featuring solid-state components and a modular design, the maintenance-free solution can be mounted in a variety of ways.
To find out more about EMCORE and the company’s high-performance fiber optic, ring laser gyro, and MEMS inertial sensors and navigation systems for defense, please visit the company’s profile page: https://www.defenseadvancement.com/company/emcore-corporation/