Advanced GNSS/GPS Protection & Anti-Jamming Technology for Military, Security and Defense Applications

InfiniDome’s GPSdome Intergrated for GNSS/GPS Signal Protection

InfiniDome's GPSdome has been intergrated into unmanned aerial systems in order to protect GNSS/GPS signals By Joseph Macey / 21 Oct 2020
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It has been announced that InfiniDome’s GPSdome solution has been integrated by Easy Aerial for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)/GPS (Global Positioning System) signal protection in its line of military-grade autonomous unmanned aerial systems.

GPSdome was selected for its lightweight, small form factor, low power consumption, and field-proven ability to detect, alert, and shield jamming signals. As the only dual-use GPS anti-jamming solution on the market, infiniDome’s technology is perfectly suited for Easy Aerial’s global security and defense customers ensuring safe Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) and other critical operations in GPS denied environments.

GPSdome integrates into Easy Aerial’s Smart Aerial Monitoring System (SAMS) GNSS receivers and employs a unique interference filtering system that combines patterns from two omnidirectional antennas. In real-time, GPSdome analyzes the interference signal and feeds its properties into infiniDome’s proprietary algorithm to filter and reject any attacking RF interference allowing the UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) to continue GPS signal reliance during a jamming attack. Upon detection of a jamming signal, GPSdome notifies operators of a possible signal jamming interference.

“GPSdome delivers anti-jamming technology, unmatched in size, weight, power, and cost advantages,” said Omer Sharar, infiniDome’s CEO. “GPSdome is the industry’s only dual-use, both commercial and military, GPS anti-jamming protection. GPSdome not only detects the attack but also shields the received signals from being overpowered by jammers. These assaults can have drastic effects, including losses in property, services, as well as the potential risk to lives.”

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