AAC | Army Air Corps | |
AAR | Air to Air Refuelling | |
AAAW | Advanced Anti-Armour Weapon | |
AAW | Anti-Air Warfare | |
AB | Airborne | |
ABLE | Automotive Bridge Launching Equipment | |
ac | Aircraft | |
ACCS | Air Control and Command Systems | |
accn | Accommodation | |
ACE | Allied Command Europe | |
ACLANT | Allied Command North Atlantic | |
ACOS | Assistant Chief of Staff | |
ACV | Armoured Command Vehicle | |
AD | Air Defence/Air Dispatch/Army Department | |
ADA | Air Defended Area | |
ADAD | Air Defence Alerting Device | |
Adjt | Adjutant | |
admin O | Administrative Order | |
ADP | Automatic Data-Processing | |
ADR | Airfield Damage Repair | |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning | |
AFCENT | Allied Forces Central European Theatre | |
AFNORTHWEST | Allied Forces Northwestern Europe | |
AFSOUTH | Allied Forces Southern Europe | |
AFV | Armoured Fighting Vehicle | |
AGC | Adjutant General’s Corps | |
ANGLS | Autonomous Navigation And Gun Laying System | |
AHQ | Air Headquarters | |
AIFV | Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
AIRCENT | Allied Air Forces Central Europe | |
Airmob | Airmobile | |
AJT | Advanced Jet Trainer | |
ALARM | Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile | |
AMF(L) | Allied Mobile Force (Land Element) | |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile | |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding | |
AP | Armour-Piercing/Ammunition Point/Air Publication | |
APC | Armoured Personnel Carrier | |
APDS | Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot | |
APO | Army Post Office | |
APS | Auto Pointing System | |
ARBS | Angle Rate Bombing System | |
ARRC | Allied Rapid Reaction Corps | |
ARRF | Allied Rapid Reaction Forces | |
ARV | Armoured Recovery Vehicle | |
ASACS | Air Surveillance & Control System | |
ASRAAM | Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile | |
ASTOVL | Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing | |
ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare | |
ATAF | Allied Tactical Air Force | |
ATGW | Anti-Tank Guided Weapon | |
ATM | Acquisition Training Missiles | |
att | Attached | |
ATWM | Army Transition to War Measure | |
AUR | All-up-Round | |
AVLB | Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge | |
AWC | Air Warfare Centre |
BACCS | Backbone Air Command and Control System | |
BALTAP | Baltic Approaches | |
BAOR | British Army of the Rhine | |
BC | Battery Commander | |
bde | Brigade | |
BEF | British Expeditionary Force | |
BFG | British Forces Germany | |
BFPO | British Forces Post Office | |
BG | Battlegroup | |
BGHQ | Battlegroup Headquarters | |
BGTI | Battlegroup Themal Imaging | |
BICS | Battlefield Information Control System | |
BK | Battery Captain | |
BLD | Battlefield and Land Digitisation | |
BMA | Battery Manoeuvre Area | |
BMEWS | Ballistic Missile Early Warning System | |
BMH | British Military Hospital | |
BMS | Battle (field) Management System | |
bn | Battalion | |
bty | Battery |
C3I | Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence | |
CAD | Central Ammunition Depot | |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol | |
CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation | |
CASOM | Conventional Attack Stand-Off Missile | |
CASTOR | Corps Airborne Stand-Off Radar | |
CATO | Civilian Air Traffic Operation | |
CATS | Combined Aerial Target Service | |
CCM | Counter Countermeasure | |
CCP | Casualty Collecting Point | |
CCS | Casualty Clearing Station | |
Cdo | Commando | |
CDS | Chief of the Defence Staff | |
CEP | Circular Error Probable/Central Engineer Park | |
CEPS | Central European Pipeline System | |
CET | Combat Engineer Tractor | |
CGRM | Commander General Royal Marines | |
CGS | Chief of the General Staff | |
CHARRV | Challenger Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle | |
CHARRV TRL | Challenger Armoured Repair & Recovery Vehicle Trailer | |
CID | Combat Indentification | |
CIMIC | Civil Military Cooperation | |
CinC | Commander-in-Chief | |
CINCENT | Commander-in-Chief Central European Theatre | |
CINCUKAIR | Commander-in-Chief UK Air | |
CIS | Communication Information Systems | |
CJO | Chief of Joint Operations | |
CJRDFO | Chief of the Joint Rapid Deployment Force Operations | |
Cmdt | Commandant | |
CO | Commanding Officer | |
COBRA | Counter Battery Radar | |
Col GS | Colonel General Staff | |
ComBAT | Common Battlefield Application Toolset | |
comd | Command/Commander | |
Comms Z | Communications Zone | |
COMRFA | Commander Royal Fleet Auxiliary | |
COMSEN | Communications Centre | |
COMSFOR | Commander SFOR | |
COS | Chief of Staff | |
coy | Company | |
CP | Close Protection/Command Post | |
CPO | Command Pay Office/Chief Petty Officer | |
CQMS | Company Quartermaster Sergeant | |
CRC | Control Reporting Centre | |
CRP | Control Reporting Point | |
CSABM | Collaborative System for Air Battlespace Management | |
CSVH | Combat Support Vehicle Heavy | |
CSVL | Combat Support Vehicle Heavy | |
CTOL | Conventional Take-Off and Landing | |
CTTO | Central Trials and Tactics Organisation | |
CUP | Capability Upgrade Period | |
CV | Combat Vehicle | |
CVD | Central Vehicle Depot | |
CVR(T) | Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked | |
CVR (W) | Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Wheeled | |
CW | Chemical Warfare |
DAA | Divisional Administrative Area | |
DAG | Divisional Artillery Group | |
DASS | Defensive Aids Sub-System | |
DAW | Department of Air Warfare | |
DERA | Defence Evaluation & Research Agency | |
det | Detached/Detachment | |
DF | Defensive Fire | |
DHFS | Defence Helicopter Flying School | |
DISTAFF | Directing Staff (DS) | |
DMA | Divisional Maintenance Area | |
dml | Demolition | |
DMR | Daily Messing Rate | |
DRA | Defence Research Agency | |
DROPS | Demountable Rack Off-Loading & Pick-Up System | |
DRU | Dynamic Reference Unit | |
DS | Direct Support/Dressing Station | |
DTG | Date Time Group |
ech | Echelon | |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measure | |
EDP | Emergency Defence Plan | |
emb | Embarkation | |
EME | Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | |
EMP | Electro Magnetic Pulse | |
en | Enemy | |
engr | Engineer | |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal | |
eqpt | Equipment | |
ESS | Environmental Support System | |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | |
EW | Early Warning / Electronic Warfare | |
EWOSE | Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment | |
ex | Exercise |
FAC | Forward Air Controller | |
FBRV | Future Beach Recovery Vehicle | |
FCLV | Future Command and Liaison Vehicle | |
Fd Amb | Field Ambulance | |
Fd | Field | |
FEBA | Forward Edge of the Battle Area | |
FFR | Fitted for Radio | |
FGA | Fighter Ground Attack | |
FIMU | Fleet Information Management Unit | |
FLA | Future Large Aircraft | |
FLET | Forward Location Enemy Troops | |
FLIR | Forward Looking Infra Red | |
FLOT | Forward Location Own Troops | |
fmm | Formation | |
FOC | First Of Class | |
FONA | Flag Officer Naval Aviation | |
FOO | Forward Observation Officer | |
FOSCLE | Fleet Operational Command System | |
FOSF | Flag Officer Surface Fleet | |
FOSM | Flag Officer Submarines | |
FOST | Flag Officer Sea Training | |
FR | France (French) | |
FRES | Future Rapid Effect System | |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany/Forward Repair Group | |
FRT | Forward Repair Team | |
FSP | Full Service Provision | |
FTS | Flying Training School | |
FUP | Forming Up Place/Forming Up Point | |
FWAM | Full Width Attack Mine | |
FWOC (R) | Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Computer (Replacement) | |
Fy | Financial Year |
GDP | General Defence Plan/Gross Domestic Product | |
GE | German (Germany) | |
GHTM | Ground Handling Training Missiles | |
GOC | General Officer Commanding | |
GPMG | General Purpose Machine Gun | |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System | |
GRSC | Ground Radio Servicing Centre |
HAS | Hardened Aircraft Shelter | |
HE | High Explosive | |
HEAT | High Explosive Anti-Tank | |
hel | Helicopter | |
Hesh | High Explosive Squash Head | |
HET | Heavy Equipment Transporter | |
HLDC | Heavy Load Distribution Capability | |
HOTAS | Hands on Throttle and Stick | |
HV | Hyper Velocity | |
HVM | Hyper Velocity Missile | |
Hy | Heavy |
IAB | Initial Appraisal Board | |
IADM | Incremental Assessment Demonstration and Manufacture | |
IBDS | Integrated Biological Detection Systems | |
ICCS | Integrated Command & Control System | |
IFF | Indentification Friend or Foe | |
IFOR | Implementation Force | |
IG | Initial Gate | |
IGB | Inner German Border | |
II | Image Intensifier | |
illum | Illuminating | |
Inf | Infantry | |
INTSUM | Intelligence Summary | |
IO | Intelligence Officer | |
IPT | Integrated Project Team | |
IRF | Immediate Reaction Forces | |
IRG | Immediate Replenishment Group | |
IS | Internal Security | |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force | |
ISD | In Service Date | |
ISP | Initial Service Provision | |
ISTAR | Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance | |
ITN | Invitation To Negotiate | |
ITS | Inshore Training Squadron | |
IUR | Immediate Use Reserve | |
IW | Individual Weapon |
JFACHQ | Joint Force Air Air Component Headquarters | |
JFHQ | Joint Force Headquarters | |
JHQ | Joint Headquarters | |
JOCS | Joint Operational Command Systems | |
JRC | Joint Regional Command | |
JRDF | Joint Rapid Deployment Force | |
JRRF | Joint Rapid Reaction Force | |
JSRC | Joint Sub-Regional Command | |
JSSU | Joint Services Signals Unit | |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System | |
KUR | Key User Requirement |
L of C | Lines of Communication | |
LAD | Light Aid Detachment (REME) | |
LANDCENT | Commander Allied Land Forces Central Europe | |
LC | Logistic Command | |
LET | Light Equipment Transporter | |
LGB | Laser Guided Bomb | |
LLAD | Low-Level Air Defence | |
LML | Lightweight Multiple Launcher | |
LO | Liaison Officer | |
Loc | Locating | |
Log | Logistic | |
LPH | Landing Platform Helicopter | |
LRATGW | Long-Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapons | |
LSL | Landing Ships Logistic | |
LSW | Light Support Weapon | |
LTW | Lyneham Training Wing |
MAMBA | Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Radar | |
MAMS | Mobile Air Movement Squadron | |
MAOT | Mobile Air Operations Team | |
MAPS | Modular Azimuth Positioning System | |
MATO | Military Air-Traffic Operations | |
mat | Material | |
MBT | Main Battle Tank | |
MCM | Mine Countermeasures | |
MCMV | Mine Countermeasures Vessels | |
mech | Mechanised | |
MFC | Mortar Fire Controller | |
MG | Machine Gun / Main Gate | |
MIRV | Multiple Independently Targeted Re-entry Vehicle | |
MLRS | Multi-Launched Rocket System | |
MLU | Mid-Life Update | |
MNAD | Multi-National Airmobile Division | |
MND | Multi-National Division | |
MO | Medical Officer | |
mob | Mobilisation | |
MoD | Ministry of Defence | |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding | |
MPDS | Multi-Purpose Decontamination System | |
MP | Military Police | |
MRG | Medium Repair Group | |
MRV | Multiple Re-entry Vehicle | |
msl | Missile | |
MU | Maintenance Unit |
NAAFI | Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes | |
NACMA | NATO ACCS Management Agency | |
NADGE | NATO Air Defence Ground Environment | |
NAEW-F | NATO Airborne Early Warning Forces | |
NAMC | Naval Afloat Messaging Coherency | |
NARIMS | Nuclear Accident Response Information Management System | |
NATINADS | NATO Integrated Air Defence Systems | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation | |
NATS | National Air-Traffic Services | |
NBC | Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare | |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer | |
nec | Necessary | |
NFTC | Nato Flying Training Canada | |
NGFSO | Naval Gunfire Support Officer | |
ni | Night | |
NL | Netherlands | |
NO | Norway (Norwegian) | |
NOK | Next of Kin | |
NORTHAG | Northern Army Group | |
NTR | Nothing to Report | |
NYK | Not Yet Known |
OC | Officer Commanding | |
OCU | Operational Conversion Unit (RAF) | |
OEU | Operational Evaluation Unit | |
OIC | Officer in Charge | |
OM | Operational Missiles | |
OOTW | Operations Other Than War | |
OP | Observation Post | |
opO | Operation Order | |
ORB | Omni-Radio Beacon | |
ORBAT | Order of Battle |
P info | Public Information | |
pax | Passengers | |
PBDS | Prototype Biological Detection System | |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative | |
PJHQ | Permanent Joint Headquarters | |
Pl | Platoon | |
PPP | Public/Private Partnership | |
POL | Petrol, Oil and Lubrication | |
PQR | Post Qualification Questionnaire | |
Pro | Provost | |
PTC | Personnel and Training Command |
QCS | Queen’s Colour Squadron | |
QGE | Queen’s Gurkha Engineers | |
QM | Quartermaster |
RA | Royal Artillery | |
RAC | Royal Armoured Corps | |
RAFASUPU | RAF Armament Support Unit | |
RAFLC | RAF Logistic Command | |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps | |
RAP | Rocket-Assisted Projectile/Regiment Aid Post | |
RCMDS | Remote-Control Mine Disposal System | |
RCZ | Rear Control Zone | |
RE | Royal Engineers | |
rebro | Rebroadcast | |
rec | Recovery | |
Regt | Regiment | |
REME | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary | |
rft | Reinforcement | |
RGJ | Royal Green Jackets | |
RHA | Royal Horse Artillery | |
RHQ | Regimental Headquarters | |
RLC | Royal Logistic Corps | |
RM | Royal Marines | |
RMA | Rear Maintenance Area/Royal Military Academy | |
RMAS | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | |
RMP | Royal Military Police | |
RN | Royal Navy | |
RNMC | Royal Netherlands Marine Corps | |
RO | Retired Officer | |
Ro-Ro | Roll-On Roll-Off | |
RP | Reporting Point | |
RPV | Remotely Piloted Vehicle | |
RRF | Royal Regiment of Fusiliers | |
RRF | Rapid Reaction Forces | |
RSA | Royal School of Artillery | |
RSME | Royal School of Mechanical Engineering | |
RSS | Royal School of Signals | |
RTM | Ready to Move | |
RTU | Return to Unit |
SACLOS | Semi Automatic to Command Line of Sight | |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander Europe | |
SAM | Surface-to-Air Missile | |
SAR | Search and Rescue | |
SAS | Special Air Service | |
SBS | Special Boat Service | |
SDR | Strategic Defence Review | |
Sect | Section | |
SFOR | Stabilisation Force | |
SH | Support Helicopters | |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe | |
SIB | Special Investigation Branch | |
Sig | Signals | |
sit | Situation | |
SITREP | Situation Report | |
SLBM | Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles | |
SLR | Self-Loading Rifle | |
SMG | Sub-Machine Gun | |
smk | Smoke | |
SNCO | Senior Non-Commissioned Officer | |
SOC | Sector Operations Centre | |
SP | Self Propelled/Start Point | |
SPS | Staff and Personnel Support | |
Sqn | Squadron | |
SRD | System Requirement Document | |
SSBN | Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine | |
SSK | Single Shot To Kill | |
SSM | Surface-to-Surface Missile | |
SSN | Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine | |
SSVC | Services Sound and Cinema Corporation | |
STC | Strike Command | |
STO | Survive to Operate | |
STOBAR | Short Take-Off and Arrested Recovery | |
STOL | Short Take-Off and Landing | |
STOVL | Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing | |
SV | Support Vehicles |
TA | Territorial Army | |
tac | Tactical | |
TACC | Tactical Air Control Centre | |
TBT | Tank Bridge Transporter | |
TCC | Turret Control Computer | |
TCP | Traffic Control Post | |
TCV | Troop Carrying Vehicle | |
TGDA | Training Group Defence Agency | |
tgt | Target | |
THAAD | Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence | |
TIALD | Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator | |
tk | Tank | |
TLAM | Tactical Land Attack Missile | |
TLAM-C | Tactical Land Attack Missile – Conventional | |
TLB | Top Level Budget | |
TMA | Troop Manoeuvre Area | |
TNA | Training Needs Analysis | |
TOM | Telemetry Operational Missiles | |
TOT | Time on Target | |
TOW | Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided (Missile) | |
tp | Troop | |
tpt | Transport | |
TTTE | Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment | |
TUL | Truck Utility Light | |
TUM | Truck Utility Medium | |
TWS | Tactical Weapon System |
UAS | University Air Squadron | |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | |
U/S | Unserviceable | |
UKADGE | United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment | |
UKADR | United Kingdom Air Defence Region | |
UKCAOC | United Kingdom Combined Air Operations Centre | |
UKLF | United Kingdom Land Forces | |
UKMF | United Kingdom Mobile Force | |
UKSC (G) | United Kingdom Support Command (Germany) | |
UNFICYP | United Nations Forces in Cyprus | |
UNCLASS | Unclassified | |
UNPROFOR | United Nations Protection Force | |
URD | User Requirement Document | |
UXB | Unexploded Bomb |
veh | Vehicle | |
VOR | Vehicle off the Road |
WE | War Establishment | |
WFE | War Fighting Establishment | |
wh | Wheeled | |
wksp | Workshop | |
WMR | War Maintenance Reserve | |
WO | Warrant Officer | |
WT | Wheeled Tankers |