U.S. Army Stryker Crews to Receive Advanced XM813 Bushmaster Chain Guns

Northrop Grumman will supply the 30x173mm caliber cannon, derivative of the company’s Mk44 Bushmaster Chain Gun, with increased capability and greater standoff range By Joseph Macey / 07 Jan 2021
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Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a contract from the U.S. Army for XM813 Bushmaster Chain Guns, as part of the Stryker Medium Caliber Weapon System 30mm Lethality Upgrade program. The base contract and first delivery order calls for 95 chain guns with initial deliveries beginning in early 2022.

“We are committed to ensuring our U.S. warfighter remains ahead of emerging threats, and the XM813 will deliver overmatch and greater standoff range for Stryker crews,” said Jennifer Zonneveld, director for Bushmaster Chain Guns, Northrop Grumman. “We have a long history working alongside the U.S. Army and CCDC-AC to deliver advanced capabilities and we look forward to supporting the Stryker program into the future.”

The XM813 is a 30x173mm caliber cannon and a derivative of the company’s Mk44 Bushmaster Chain Gun® integrated on air, land and naval platforms across the globe. The XM813 was initially fielded to meet the urgent operational need to ‘upgun’ the 2nd Cavalry Regiment’s Stryker fleet based in Germany to provide crews with increased capability to defend against emerging threats. The current contract will support enhancements to the XM813 and the integration of the chain guns into an additional U.S. Army Brigade Combat Team.

The XM813’s versatility allows for the incorporation of future advancements, including the ability to fire Northrop Grumman’s advanced ammunition types which will ultimately include proximity fuzed and guided munitions. Currently, the XM813 is capable of firing Northrop Grumman’s MK310 Programmable Air Bursting Munition (PABM) with air-burst, point-detonate and point-detonate with delay fuze settings to defeat a variety of targets. The chain gun production will occur at Northrop Grumman’s Mesa, Arizona facility.

Posted by Joseph Macey Connect & Contact
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