Undersea Sensing, Communications, Imaging, Control and Navigation Solutions for Naval Forces
Solstice Multi aperture side scan sonar

Multi aperture side scan sonar

Solstice multi-aperture side-scan sonar from our Technology Partner Wavefront Systems increases the operational envelope of an underwater vehicle by providing wide swath coverage at high resolution. Visit Website Contact

Developed by Wavefront Systems and manufactured and commericalized by Sonardyne, Solstice is a side scan sonar for AUVs and towed bodies. It can produce high-contrast imagery in littoral waters ranging from 600 m to less than 10 m depth, eliminating noise from multi-path reverberation, enhancing the contrast of the imagery.

Multiple apertures improve the signal-to-noise ratio performance, capturing imagery at longer ranges than other sonars at the same frequency. The system also offers co-located 3D data.

Each of Solstice’s 682 mm long, 2.11 kg arrays has 32 multibeam elements, allowing AUVs or towed bodies to gather more data with higher image fidelity. Solstice uses a unique back-projection beam-forming technique to focus at every single pixel in the image with 100% ground coverage.

Real-time array calibration is used to dynamically re-calibrate each hydrophone element several times a second to compensate for any dynamical strains causing array non-linearity.

With improved probability of detection and decreased probability of false alarms, Solstice improves the efficiency of unexploded ordnance, mine countermeasures, and search and salvage missions.

Key features:

  • Small and compact arrays; optimized for low-logistic AUVs and towed bodies
  • Survey more ground in a single pass; 200 m-wide swath ensures high coverage rates
  • Along track resolution of 0.15°; best in class delivering maximum detection rates
  • Collocated side scan image and bathy improves situational awareness
  • Consumes only 18 W; power budget friendly increases AUV’s endurance
Feature Type 8200-500-35
Depth Rating 300 or 600 m
Frequency Band 725–775 kHz
Source Level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 220 dB
Number of Receiver Channels 2 x (32 +4)
Number of Transmitter Channels 2 x 32
Azimuth Beam Width 0.15°
Swath 200 m
Bathymetry Yes
Power (Array & PPV) 18 W
Operating Temperature -2 to 40°C
Hydrophone Array Length 682 mm
Projector Array Length 416 mm
Output Formats .SWF8 and .XTF
Weight in Air/Water 2.11/0.76 kg