Advanced ESA Radar Technology
Our proprietary solid-state metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA) technology provides significant enhancements over traditional ESA radar, with unprecedented size, weight, and power reduction as well as lower costs.

Using standard PCB fabrication and assembly techniques, our MESA designs produce outstanding performance and reliability with reduced complexity, precisely steering radar energy from a much denser array without the need for phase shifters, moving parts, or maintenance of any kind. Echodyne’s game-changing and commercially exportable MESA radars are deployed around the world for a wide range of mission-critical applications, including base security, border control, drone detect-and-avoid (DAA), and more.
This cutting-edge hardware is backed by advanced embedded software development, with regular updates that constantly push the state of the art with performance upgrades and new features to satisfy a wide range of mission requirements. We also provide a suite of off-radar software tools that delivers crucial functionality such as data visualization, intelligent networking, and smart handoff.
Seamless Systems Integration
Echodyne radars can be easily integrated into higher-order systems such as sensor fusion, targeting, and command and control (C2) platforms, allowing users to achieve superior situational awareness over large volumes of airspace for enhanced decision-making and safer outcomes.
Our products use industry-standard TCP/IP over Gigabit Ethernet, with multiple data output options, and we offer comprehensive integration and technical support.