Imaging Systems, Rugged Underwater Sensors, Autonomous & Unmanned Vessels for Defense & ISR

United States of America
Teledyne Marine

Imaging Systems, Rugged Underwater Sensors, Autonomous & Unmanned Vessels for Defense & ISR

Teledyne Marine provides government and military customers with a broad portfolio of maritime technologies and services for defense applications. Our field-proven products and development capabilities have been meeting the needs of international militaries for decades.

Defense technologies include autonomous and unmanned subsea and surface vehicles, sensors, visual and acoustic imaging tools, and interconnect solutions for demanding defense applications such as; ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), mine countermeasures and EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), anti-submarine warfare, terrain mapping and navigation, security for ports and harbors, plus search, rescue and recovery.

Teledyne Marine also provides hydrophones and manufacturing services to many military towed array programs for submarines, surface ships and autonomous underwater vehicles.

Acoustic and Digital Imaging Systems for Defense

Suited to mine countermeasures, terrain mapping, obstacle avoidance, and diver detection, Teledyne Marine’s broad spectrum of imaging tools include:

Subsea and Surface Rugged Underwater Sensors

Available as stand-alone or integrated solutions, our subsea and surface sensors for defense are used for security applications including:

Military Autonomous & Unmanned Vessels (USV, ASV, AUV, UUV, ROV)

Teledyne Marine supply a full suite of autonomous and unmanned vehicles that can be outfitted to meet mission requirements:

Mil-Spec Interconnect Technologies

RF, electrical and optical interconnect capabilities, field-proven for mission-critical applications. Our rugged connection solutions include:


Gavia AUV

Field-changeable AUV for Military & Security

Slocum G3 Glider

Endurance Autonomous Underwater Glider for Defense


Teledyne Gavia Expands Engineering & Production Facilities

Teledyne Gavia has more than doubled the size of its manufacturing facility and significantly increased its staff in engineering, manufacturing, and support roles

Aug 16, 2024
Polish Navy Adds New Multibeam Echosounder to Gavia AUV

The Seabat T20-S Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) delivers high-resolution bathymetric data, empowers the automated detection of pipelines, and will be instrumental in the Polish Navy's critical underwater infrastructure inspections

Jan 09, 2024
Teledyne Marine Deploys UUVs During NATO Exercises

Teledyne Marine deployed its newly developed Osprey Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), from the Portuguese Navy NPR Dom Carlos I in support of a Critical Undersea Infrastructure (CUI) protection experiment

Nov 16, 2023
Teledyne Completes First Successful AUV Launch from an Aircraft

The Slocum glider, configured with Littoral Battlespace Sensing – Glider (LBS-G) Mine Countermeasures sensors, was launched from the ramp of a US Navy helicopter flying ‘low and slow’ over shallow waters

May 16, 2023
Teledyne to Debut Products & Conduct Demos at Ocean Business 2023

Teledyne’s industry experts will be available at booth T7 to guide visitors through products, new technology, and company events hosted over the three days of the conference

Apr 17, 2023
SATURN Navigation Gyrocompass Awarded Red Ensign Certification

Teledyne Marine’s SATURN range of IMO navigation products now carries the UK ‘Red Ensign’ mark

Dec 14, 2022
Additional Gavia AUVs for Polish Ministry of Defence MCMVs

Teledyne Marine’s AUVs can gather high resolution, accurately navigated, sonar images while remaining submerged for several hours of continuous operation at survey speeds up to five knots

Nov 30, 2022
Teledyne Marine Develops Unmanned Vehicles for Demanding Marine Environments

Defense Advancement showcases the company’s Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles (AUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) for challenging defense and security applications

Feb 01, 2022
Royal Danish Navy Acquires Two More Multi-beam Systems

The Royal Danish Navy has purchased an additional two Teledyne RESON Multi-beam Systems to assist in hydrographic surveys around Denmark and Greenland

May 28, 2021
SeaBat 7123-MkII Sonar Selected for New Build Naval Mine Hunting Vessels

Teledyne has been awarded a significant order for delivery of forward looking sonars for a mine counter measure program

Jan 29, 2021


Regional Offices & Locations
Teledyne Marine Vehicles HQ United States of America North Falmouth, MA, USA Contact Office Contact Website
Teledyne Marine - West Coast United States of America 14020 Stowe Drive Poway, CA, 92064 Contact Office Website
Teledyne Gavia Iceland Vesturvör 29, 200 Kópavogur Contact Office Website