Partnership to Develop UxV Control Solution

Auterion and blackned GmbH are working together to develop a solution which enables the safe and efficient control of UxVs in the digital battlefield, integrating Auterion’s software with the TACTICAL CORE middleware By William Mackenzie / 25 Jun 2024
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Auterion and blackned GmbH, providers of the TACTICAL CORE middleware, are entering into a strategic partnership to develop an integrated technology for the integration and control of UxV in the digital battlefield.

Partnership to Develop UxV Control Solution

The aim of this partnership is to integrate Auterion’s manufacturer-independent control software for autonomous robotic systems into the information and communication network of the digital battlefield. 

This will enable the faster distribution of reconnaissance data and the acceleration of the sensor-to-shooter chain through the integration of UxV into the TACTICAL CORE system network. 

This will make the intelligence networks denser and more robust. The monitoring and control of UxV is therefore no longer limited to manufacturer-specific systems, but can be taken over from different starting and location points of the battlefield via a common platform, in accordance with the software-defined defense (SDD) principle.

As part of this cooperation, the parties are specifically planning:

Expansion of the TACTICAL CORE portfolio
The addition includes porting the TACTICAL CORE runtime environment and supported communication links to the Auterion Skynode, as well as integration with the Auterion Operating System (AuterionOS) and Auterion Mission Control (AMC)

Efficient and secure integration of UxV
The overall solution creates the necessary foundations to enable the safe and efficient control of UxVs in the digital battlefield, and to establish a cross-sectional platform for the digitalization of land forces for this purpose.

Innovation for the international market
Auterion and blackned plan to jointly market the solution in both the NATO and global defense and security markets. This includes continuous further development to meet changing requirements.

Demonstrations of the solution are being held for potential users. These presentations are set to highlight the advantages of the solution, as well as possible next steps for integration into existing systems.

The companies assert that this cooperation strengthens their role as leading players in the field of digital, software-defined infrastructures for defense and security. 

The solution, developed as part of this partnership, is set to provide a significant increase in innovation speed, efficiency and security when integrating UxV systems from different manufacturers and mission profiles on a large scale into a networked battlefield.

Posted by William Mackenzie Connect & Contact