Dr Thomas Withington Last updated: December 4th, 2024
GNSS anti-jamming devices perform an important role in mitigating the intentional and unintentional interference of Global Navigation Satellite Systems signals, providing mission-critical defense systems with continuous, assured access to GNSS position, navigation and timing information.
GNSS anti jamming technology for defense (image: Infinidome)
Anti-Jam Technology for Defense
GNSS satellite signals, such as GPS, are crucial for a wide range of military systems, providing position, navigation and timing (PNT) for infantry, armored vehicles, naval vessels, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and more.
GILD – GNSS Interference Locator and Detector
By the time they reach the GNSS receivers in equipment and vehicles, the power level of these signals is relatively weak, making them susceptible to interference sources that can cause jamming or spoofing.
GNSS jamming is caused by interference on the GNSS signal frequencies that overpowers the satellite signals, and may be done deliberately or occur unintentionally as a result of faulty electronic equipment or electromagnetic radiation from space. Spoofing uses fake GNSS signals to overcome the legitimate satellite transmissions and make the receiver think it is somewhere other than its true location.
GNSS Anti-Jamming Technology
Anti-jamming technology includes the use of special GNSS receivers that use filtering and signal processing to reject unwanted signals, which is especially effective for out-of-band interference. GNSS anti-jamming receivers may also be able to detect jamming signals by measuring signal strength – these signals may be higher-powered than the weak legitimate GNSS signals.
Hexagon | NovAtel GAJT-710ML GPS Anti-Jam Antenna
Anti-jam antennas can also be installed that can figure out the direction of the jamming signal and introduce “nulls” that decrease the effectiveness of the jammers.
An adaptive antenna array made up of CRPAs (controlled reception pattern antennas) can be used to mitigate a wide range of interference, even at frequencies that are very close to legitimate GNSS signals.
GNSS Anti-Spoofing
Infinidome GPSdome 1 Anti-Jamming Module
GNSS anti-spoofing measures include the use of authentication technology such as Galileo’s OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication), which uses secure cryptography to check and ensure the authenticity of navigation data. Military GPS users also have access to Y-code, which is broadcast on the L1 and L2 frequencies and uses a constantly changing encrypted binary code to fool spoofing attempts.
NovAtel's GPS Anti-JamTechnology (GAJT®) is available, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), in... ...710ML provides anti-jam performance comparable to much larger systems, but at a significantly lower...
High performance PNT protection for Naval and Marine Applications
High performance PNT protection for Naval and Marine Applications
Jamming and interference in marine environments are growing worldwide threats for both civilian and... ... interference, jamming and spoofing through dynamic protection on M-Code signals as well as GPS L1...
GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT®) Antenna electronics for smaller platforms.
GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT®) Antenna electronics for smaller platforms.
Jamming and interference, whether intentional or unintentional, can seriously degrade GPS position,... significant anti-jam protection even in dynamic multi-jammer scenarios. The output of the...
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has integrated its ADA Anti-Jamming system with the M-code GPS receiver, enhancing GPS signal protection against evolving threats and ensuring reliable military performance
Under a new U.S. Space Force contract, Slingshot Aerospace is advancing its GPS jamming detection technology by integrating AI and enhanced geolocation to deliver real-time insights for warfighters
Septentrio expands its Agnostic Corrections Program with the addition of GEODNET offering customers access to validated decentralized RTK network options
Hexagon will acquire Septentrio for its GNSS platform, and to ensure greater accessibility to high-accuracy, high-performance positioning technology with low SWaP characteristics
NovAtel’s new GAJT-310 is a low SWaP GNSS Anti-Jam Technology, the latest in a line of battle-proven solutions for assured PNT that protects against hostile RF interference
Saronic Technologies is integrating Septentrio’s GNSS/INS receivers into its autonomous surface vessels (ASVs), enhancing resilient navigation and critical positioning for naval operations
CAST Navigation delves into the growing number of jamming and spoofing events in aviation, and discusses why they pose a risk to civil aviation, and the response from regulators
QinetiQ will build a radio frequency, anti-jamming test facility at the Ministry of Defence’s Boscombe Down site in Wiltshire, helping to better protect military kit from GPS jamming
AQNav from SandboxAQ uses AI algorithms, quantum sensors, and the Earth's crustal magnetic field to provide an unjammable, all-weather, terrain-agnostic, real-time navigation solution in situations where GPS signals are unavailable or denied