Volatus Provides Unmanned Systems Solutions for Defense & Government Applications

Defense Advancement showcases Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) products and services for defense and government applications By DA Staff / 04 Jan 2022
Volatus Aerospace
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Drone technology specialist Volatus Aerospace has partnered with Defense Advancement to demonstrate its expertise in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) products and services. The ‘Platinum’ profile shows how the company’s broad spectrum of solutions, training and services are ideal for a wide range of defense and government applications.

A drone services, training, and manufacturing company, the Volatus group of companies operate throughout the Americas and are dedicated to the advancement of Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) technology and operations.

Providing technology-enabled autonomous and unmanned aerial solutions, Volatus offer a comprehensive range of military drone platforms and training, as well as system design engineering, Research and Development (R&D), manufacturing and testing services.

A leading player in Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) drone training courses, Volatus provides enhanced training that includes BVLOS regulations, detection and tracking methods, sensors, communication as well as geographical and topographical impacts to mission.

The training courses have been developed in conjunction with professionals from diverse backgrounds including airline and helicopter pilots, aviation lawyers, mechanical engineers, military veterans and more.

To find out more about Volatus Aerospace and its products and services, please visit the company’s profile page.

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