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General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has begun the first installation of factory upgrades to a Gray Eagle-Extended Range (GE-ER) Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to enhance its capabilities to support Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) for the U.S. Army.
The U.S. Army-funded program includes two aircraft, with flight testing and qualification starting later this year.
“We’re pleased to be working with our Army customer to increase relevance and capabilities of the GE-ER platform for the MDO environment,” said Don Cattell, vice president for Army Programs. “These efforts ensure the Army’s premier UAS is better able to support advanced teaming operations with manned and other unmanned platforms, which will further its capabilities and ensure mission success. We are fully committed to our Army partners to make sure our proven GE-ER is equipped for its role as the designated platform for long-range sensors and Air Launched Effects (ALEs).”
The new GE-ER configuration combines investment from the Army and GA-ASI to create one of the most advanced Class IV UAS available today. GA-ASI worked with the Army to demonstrate MDO capabilities on the Gray Eagle ER at Yuma Proving Grounds, which included fully integrated, internally mounted long-range sensors, ALEs, and laptop-based and handheld control interfaces.
The modernized GE-ER incorporates open architecture aircraft and ground systems, advanced datalinks, and an upgraded propulsion system, significantly enhancing the ability to add new capabilities, provide resilience to electronic threats and expeditionary employment to austere locations.
The MDO upgrade follows a series of demonstrations that showcased GE-ER’s persistent stand-off survivability with stand-in capabilities and up to 40 hours of endurance that commanders can leverage in the MDO environment. GA-ASI partnered with industry to integrate best-of-breed long-range payloads and ALEs on the GE-ER, increasing the survivability and mission success of its manned aviation teammates.