CAES transmitters provide high power across multiple octave bandwidths, which allows them to withstand demanding and severe environments, they also provide high reliability with low maintenance costs
With the provision of Thales next generation primary and secondary approach radars, STAR NG and RSM NG, air surveillance will be guaranteed 24/7, with improved operational capabilities and detection performances
The SOSA-aligned WILD FMC+ DME1 Card is targeted at demanding applications requiring direct sampling frequency coverage anywhere from 0.1 to 36 GHz (VHF through Ka-band), and/or wide instantaneous bandwidths
Having MAGNUSS fully integrated onboard the Common Unmanned Surface Vessel (CUSV) platform allows mines to be neutralized safely and efficiently, effectively minimizing risk and harm to sailors
The aircraft support contract is valued at around ÂŁ147 million and will ensure the UK F-35 fleet's availability and capability to conduct combat missions worldwide
The new Leonardo DRS 6KVA Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is the next step in providing conditioned backup power to command, control, and communication systems for a clean, reliable power supply
Patriot is the most effective and only combat-proven ground-based air defense capability available in the world to defeat advanced long-range cruise missiles and tactical ballistic missiles
The launch has enabled Frontgrade to provide next generation on-orbit radiation tolerant reconfigurable processing systems for future satellite constellations
Compared to current reciprocating diesel engines, LiquidPiston’s XTS-210 engine design reduces size and weight by nearly 80% while maintaining comparable power output
The Block 1 upgrade awarded by the US Air Force will add advanced communication capabilities to further enhance the aircraft's data connectivity and situational awareness