Honeywell has launched its next-generation Resilient Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation System (EGI), designed to meet U.S. Government mandates for Greater Power Competition and provide a solution to meet modern threats.
The Embedded GPS/INS (EGI) is an aircraft navigation system that integrates GPS and inertial navigation to provide accurate position, velocity, and timing information for various applications.
The next-generation EGI builds on the legacy of Honeywell’s H-764 and FALCN offerings, making it significantly more resilient to meet military needs in jammed and spoofed environments.
The Honeywell Resilient EGI incorporates M-code, an atomic clock, and open architecture compliance to provide mission-critical flexibility with alternative forms of Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), all while maintaining the stringent certification standards required by airworthiness authorities worldwide.
Experts have reportedly concluded that GPS should not be relied on as the sole source for navigation. Honeywell’s next-generation EGI addresses the jamming and spoofing challenge by integrating an atomic clock and various alternative PNT sources such as vision navigation, celestial navigation, magnetic navigation, and multi-constellation signals to navigate around GPS threats.
Honeywell Integrity Suite
The Integrity Suite allows for quick integration and rapid changes, permitting platforms to quickly integrate new NAVWAR capabilities and ‘fight tonight’ in a near-peer environment.
This architecture partitions the system so the warfighter can maintain a certified safety-critical system and be more adaptable to critical mission needs.
Proven Performance
The Honeywell Resilient EGI ensures that the GPS used in navigation solutions originates from authentic sources while maintaining the H-764 and FALCN form factors.
Proven through simulations, rigorous testing, and real-world applications, the Honeywell system effectively detects and mitigates GPS threats without compromising navigation accuracy. It can identify when GPS signals are reliable again and seamlessly reintegrate them into the navigation solution once deemed safe.
Engineering units of the next generation EGI will be available in early 2026, with certifiable units available soon thereafter.