Advanced Solutions for Defense Modernization: Propulsion, Sensors, Communication & Augmented Reality Systems

Honeywell HGuide n580 Inertial Navigation System Survives Extreme Heat

By Honeywell / 26 Aug 2019
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If you're in the market for a high-performance and rugged inertial sensor or navigator, Honeywell's HGuide non-ITAR inertial sensors and navigators are for you. Designed to withstand some of the toughest environments and applications, we put our HGuide n580 inertial navigation system under a series of tests to see if it would withstand extreme heat conditions.

The HGuide n580 contains Honeywell’s leading edge HG4930 IMU technology and provides a powerful dual-antenna, multi-frequency, multi-GNSS RTK capability. Honeywell’s integration expertise blends the IMU and GNSS data to provide an accurate, robust navigation service to your application with all the functionalities that you need.

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