Cutting-Edge UAV Technologies for Defense Primes, Drone OEMs and Systems Integrators
Suter UAV engines Compact 2-stroke gasoline & heavy fuel UAV engines
Suter UAV engines

Compact 2-stroke gasoline & heavy fuel UAV engines

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Suter UAV engines

Suter Industries produces robust modular UAV engines based around a core 2-stroke platform with air cooling, advanced electronic engine management and a 1kW starter/generator. Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions including extremes of cold, Suter UAV engines feature automatic altitude and temperature calibration.

Suter currently offers four UAV engine variants:

  • TOA288 23.9hp (Twin opposed air cooled 288cc-gasoline engine)
  • TOW288 27.2hp (Twin opposed water cooled 288cc-gasoline engine)
  • TOA330 (Twin opposed air cooled 330cc-gasoline engine),
  • HF TOA288-SDI (Twin opposed air cooled 288cc semi direct injected heavy fuel engine)

All Suter engines are produced in Switzerland and are put through a thorough testing regime, and are supplied with a certificate of conformance.