Drone Thrust Stands & Wind Tunnel Testing Systems for Defense & Aerospace OEMs
Windshapers Versatile wind tunnel alternatives for free-flight UAV testing

Versatile wind tunnel alternatives for free-flight UAV testing

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Tyto Robotics' Windshapers are open air wind generators that provide a convenient, versatile and fully customizable alternative to wind tunnel testing and can be easily integrated into any laboratory. The modular and scalable system is based around stackable blocks of nine fans measuring 10 by 10 inches.

The included software allows users to precisely control each fan individually with simple commands, generating wind conditions that closely mimic the real world. A wide variety of parameters can be customized, including windflow speed, shape and direction, turbulence, convergence, and tilt angle.

Drone tests that can be performed with Windshaper systems include:

  • Free flight under varying wind flow conditions
  • Landing phase optimization
  • Fixed-wing profile optimization
  • Waterproofing
  • VTOL transition to/from forward flight
  • Determining turbulence limits
  • Studying system failure effects (e.g. loss of GPS or motor)