Tactical Grade IMU, GPS/INS, Weapon Orientation Solutions
MRU-B Basic Motion Reference Units (MRU) for naval and marine applications

Basic Motion Reference Units (MRU) for naval and marine applications

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The MRU-B is a high-performance motion reference unit that provides robust heave, surge, sway, pitch and roll data for naval and marine applications such as survey platforms and autonomous and unmanned vessels. Featuring advanced MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes, the sensor delivers accurate real-time measurement even under the most demanding of conditions.

The unit can be configured to output proprietary message formats or other industry formats such as Kongsberg, Seatex and Teledyne TSS, enabling easy integration and replacement of older legacy systems. It is available in an IP67-rated enclosure or a specialized subsea enclosure that enables operation at depths of down to 200 metres.

Output Signals Heave, Surge and Sway Pitch and Roll Heave, Surge, Sway, Pitch and Roll
Heave Accuracy 5% or 5 cm (RMS) - 5% or 5 cm (RMS)
Heading Type External Magnetic Compass (optional) External Magnetic Compass (optional) External Magnetic Compass (optional)
Pitch & Roll Accuracy - 0.02 degrees (RMS) 0.02 degrees (RMS)
Size (mm) 120 x 50 x 53 (IP67)
245 x 140 x 115 (subsea)
120 x 50 x 53 (IP67)
245 x 140 x 115 (subsea)
120 x 50 x 53 (IP67)
245 x 140 x 115 (subsea)
Weight (gram) 220 (IP67)
6570 (subsea)
220 (IP67)
6570 (subsea)
220 (IP67)
6570 (subsea)
Applications Marine Loading Dock; Platform Heave Compensation Crane Rotation Compensation; Nearshore Drilling Platform Survey Vessel Motion Analysis; Offshore Refinery Motion Control