Next-Generation Dismounted Assured PNT System for US Army

The TRX Dismounted Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) System (DAPS) provides mission critical assured positioning and timing information to the Dismounted Soldier when in a GPS–denied or degraded environment By DA Staff / 07 Oct 2022
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TRX Systems is supplying its TRX Dismounted Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) System (DAPS) to the US Army as part of a 2021 contract for the delivery of a next-generation DAPS solution enabling warfighters to better target, maneuver, and communicate in GPS-degraded or denied operational environments. 

Eight months after the production contract award, TRX began delivering this Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) to the Army to enhance Dismounted Soldiers’ situational awareness even when GPS is compromised by jamming or spoofing.

TRX DAPS is a small, lightweight PNT device that acquires, protects, and distributes assured PNT to the Dismounted Soldier. Designed to replace the Defense Advanced Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver (DAGR) on Nett Warrior (NW), TRX DAPS integrates onto the NW ensemble and distributes PNT to the NW End User Device through the NW Integrated Soldier Power and Data System (ISPDS) hub by fusing M-code GPS receiver inputs and non-GPS sensor augmentation for positioning and navigation integrity.

The TRX DAPS device was built from the ground up to meet the challenge of enemy electronic attacks that can cause a loss of situational and location awareness that negatively impacts the mission.

According to TRX, its DAPS device delivers a balance of the highest possible level of integrated PNT capabilities with the lowest Size, Weight, and Power consumption (SWaP) that can be fielded for dismounted warfighters, leveraging more than 15 years of research and development on location and tracking technology.

“Situational awareness across the battlefield relies on a foundation of reliable warfighter location data but our adversaries in conflict zones around the world are now frequently employing spoofing and jamming technologies to corrupt that positioning information,” said Carol Politi, CEO of TRX Systems. “The TRX DAPS units shipping to the US Army provide, for the first time, a multi-technology assured location solution for dismounted soldiers operating in the most adverse conditions.”

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