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MAK Technologies (MAK), a company of ST Engineering North America, has released MAK FIRES 1.0, a realistic and portable observed fire training system that can deliver effective Call for Fire training at the Point of Need.
Based on Call for Fires fundamentals, MAK FIRES is designed specifically to develop and reinforce skills for Forward Observers (FO). It is available in multiple deployment options, including:
- Instructor & Student: The MAK FIRES Instructor & Student System enables students to make calls for fire while the instructor plays the role of a Fire Direction Center (FDC). Students can also practice independently through MAK FIRES’ voice activated simulated FDC, which uses speech recognition technology for practice without an instructor’s presence.
- Instructor & Mixed Reality Student: Students train one-on-one with an instructor or practice independently with the voice activated simulated FDC — with the option to use a Mixed Reality head-mounted display for immersion into the simulated environment while maintaining real-world view of their hands, a map, and accessories.
- Classroom: Three configurations are available for instructor-led training of students in a classroom environment. Each student is provided a tablet to input their targeting information (e.g., target location, observer-target direction, etc.) and receive feedback so that everyone in the class is engaged and learning while a chosen student’s solution is displayed on the larger screen.
MAK FIRES 1.0 supports all Artillery Fire Mission Tasks in Artillery Tables 4 and 5 for Forward Observers, with capabilities that support doctrinally correct FO training. These tasks include:
- Conduct Adjust Fire and Fire for Effect Missions using the Grid, Polar, or Shift from a Known Point methods of target location
- Conduct an Immediate Suppression Mission
- Conduct a Quick Smoke Mission
- Conduct and adjust Final Protective Fire Missions
- Conduct a Coordinated Illumination Fire Mission using either visible light or IR illumination
- Request Fires on an Irregularly Shaped Target
- Conduct a Precision Registration
“MAK FIRES’ game-like and intuitive interface makes it easy for soldiers to complete training tasks on their own or in pairs,” says Alicia Combs, Vice President of Training Solutions at MAK Technologies. “The classroom design engages students to learn and provides immediate feedback on their work. Best of all, MAK FIRES is easy to deploy and set up, allowing every soldier to train on fundamental tasks in a virtual environment, increasing effectiveness of live training exercises and deployment.”