Pacific Defense has achieved a key milestone on the US Space Force (USSF) Moonraker MOSA space payload contract.
The program milestone involved a successful checkout and integration of the Moonraker payload.
The Moonraker Space Sensor is a 3U Open VPX multi-function, radio frequency (RF) payload consisting of a five-slot chassis populated with a Software Defined Radio (SDR), dual Graphics Processing Units (GPU), dual Power Supply plug-in-cards (PICs) and application software capable of performing a range of RF missions including space situational awareness.
All system components are designed to meet requirements for space flight, with the SDR provided by and the Chassis and GPU PICs provided by Neutralino Space Ventures.
Bryan Terlecky, Vice President of Space Systems at Pacific Defense, said; “Moonraker represents a fresh approach to space payload design, enabling rapid integration and deployment of critical space mission capability in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional proprietary approaches.
“Completion of hardware integration in days rather than weeks is unheard-of in traditional space programs and clears the way for the Pacific Defense team to begin software integration and move forward toward space flight demonstrations.”