Isotropic Systems has unveiled a new military specification, multi-link, mobility Ka-band ground satellite terminal complete with fully integrated power and a wide array of modem options for Communications-On-The-Move (COTM) applications designed for NATO defense.
The new GM2000 terminal range provides total path resiliency and mission assurance and meets the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) requirements, and the CS25 and CS27 requirements for the U.S. Army.
The GM2000 range is a single, solid-state, fully integrated terminal designed to operate concurrent, multiple, full performance links across any and all orbits providing flexible transport layer diversity and redundancy.
The GM2000 series range operates in the full Ka-band commercial and military frequencies with a wide range of software defined link and bandwidth configurations options. The GM2000 series comes with a complete range of terminal size options on launch in 2H 2022 and will be available with software-enabled multi-link capabilities. According to Isotropic Systems, no satellite terminal of any type or equivalent size can transmit or receive more aggregate bandwidth than the Isotropic GM range.
“Space is no longer the invulnerable high ground that it once was. In the wake of new space capabilities, solutions that sacrifice capability, performance, bandwidth and application performance or incumber NATO with additional cost, real-estate or high degrees of skill, no longer adequately serve modern military forces,” said John Finney, CEO & Founder of Isotropic Systems.
“Whereas total mission assurance is achieved by converging multiple domains across multiple orbits with ‘always on’ concurrent connections provided by our GM2000 range, enabling path resiliency and superior uptime. The flexibility to go anywhere, connect to all space, at all times, is paramount to the strategic advantage required by NATO and its allies. Isotropic’s multi-link technology is now field-proven. For the first time, it is possible to run multiple concurrent links from a single solid-state device and converge operational intelligence platforms with multi-orbit communication systems. Combined with the ever-increasing range of satellite options across multiple orbits, EO platforms and more, we open the door to a new architecture, connecting the most advanced space systems into one device whilst on the move, as a key enabler to NATO’s complete, assured, and deterrent network infrastructure.”