App to Simplify TAK Set-Up

The TAK Stack application by VK Integrated Systems is a one-stop solution to getting connected to the world of TAK and is available on both Play Store and App Store By Sarah Simpson / 28 Feb 2024
App to Simplify TAK Set-Up
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VK Integrated Systems (VKIS) has developed a mobile device application, thought to be the first of its kind, to streamline user access to the TAK (Team Awareness Kit) platform.

The TAK Stack application has many features and compiles all the plugins and add-ons required to set up a device in one easy centralized location, saving even skilled users time and additional steps. The app is available on the Play Store and App Store, allowing both Android and iPhone users access to everything they need to maximize device capabilities.

Inside the TAK Stack app, Android users can download the latest ATAK apk file, access popular Plugins, download Map Packs, login to M.A.R.S mobile (Mobile After-Action Review System), purchase an encrypted server package, and access many free User Guides to set-up their device.

iPhone and Android users can update their SIOS-C compatible hardware inside the Connections feature. Allowing shot tracking to be tracked on the TAK server.

With TAK Stack users no longer need to search across multiple websites to find the latest data, the app is a one-stop shop to get everything up and running smoothly.

Posted by Sarah Simpson Connect & Contact