Specialist Global Providers of Managed Simulation Services, Products & Training to Military & Defence

United Kingdom
Nautilus International Risk Consultants Ltd

Specialist Global Providers of Managed Simulation Services, Products & Training to Military & Defence

Nautilus International is an established UK Defence company that provides services and products in Command & Control, Crisis Management, C4ISTAR, Joint Terminal Attack Control & ISR Simulation, bespoke 3D Modelling and simulation services to Military, Defence, civil Nuclear and other government organisations worldwide.

Through research and innovation we are challenging current capabilities to Define Future Technologies. We specialise in providing simulation services, medical simulation, command and control software support, subject matter experts, training and key specialist products. Our rapidly deployable SME’s are supporting global exercises on a weekly basis.

ISR Training Services

isr training services

Synthetic environment training allows elements of military and civilian organisations to be exercised in a virtual environment without the expense of deploying costly live assets such as aerial fixed or rotary-wing aircraft. This gives the distinct advantage of undertaking exercises in a vast number of scenarios, whereby team leaders or duly authorised persons are put under simulated pressure to manage a crisis, make informed decisions and take decisive actions in a safe simulated environment.

Standard operating procedures can be regularly and safely rehearsed to great effect. Large-scale operations or crisis management training exercises can be undertaken for a fraction of the cost of a full deployment or draw upon resources into a training exercise. In order that the cross-spectrum of training delivery can be achieved, it is essential that Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) support can be provided, so the decision-making process can be tested.

More information: ISR Training Services

Accredited JTAC Training Services

Our deployable Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) simulator has been accredited by UK FACSTANEVAL, US Joint Fire Support Executive Steering Committee, and NATO.

Accredited JTAC Training ServicesUsing the deployable, highly portable Nautilus COBRA JTAC screen, VBS3, and VBS Fires FST software, Nautilus is providing a new, unrivalled capability in the UK. Using Form, Fit, and Function emulated JTAC equipment, such as the LF28 LTD, PLRF25, IZLID Ultra and Harris Communications 7800HH radios with 7800T downlink receivers and Digitally Aided CAS (DACAS), the system can be fully set up and ready for use within 2 hours. All of the JTAC simulation scenarios and terrain are based on real-world locations, both in the UK and overseas. This allows the qualified JTAC to train in a realistic and demanding, simulated environment.

More information: JTAC Training Services

Roundless Tactical Engagement Systems

Roundless Tactical Engagement Systems

Add industry-leading recoil to firearms training while using inexpensive and inert CO2 for exceptional safety standards (absolutely no muzzle pressure danger as with blank rounds). VirTra offers quick and non-permanent tetherless drop-in laser recoil kits that swap with a few parts of the real firearm, converting it to a recoil training firearm while prohibiting a blank, paint, or live round.

Recoil Kits are available for all rifle M4 /C8, AK-47 variants, machine gun (M249/M60), Shotgun, Pistol variants, and conducted energy devices.

Multi Agency Surveillance Simulator Systems

Multi-Agency Surveillance Trainer (MAST) is portable and can be delivered as a managed service at the point of need. MAST does not require local authority or local law enforcement approvals.

MAST is unaffected by the environment, in fact, we can add all of those features into the immersive environment at the click of a button. MAST can evaluate surveillance students driving techniques by calculating how smoothly gear changes are, steering usage, breaking, correct use of hand controls such as windscreen wipers, fog lights and it can monitor eye movement.

Battlefield Simulation Effects

Battlefield Simulation EffectsBattlefield Simulation Effects (#BattSimFX) is extensively used by Military and Law Enforcement Units during validation training exercises. This BattSimFX replicates the visual and audible sounds and delivers the ‘fog of war’ in spades.

BattSimFX provides simulated representations of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), mortar fire, and heavy weapon machine gunfire.

The RF-controlled MOAB IED simulators are primarily used to safely enhance military training exercises. The BattSimFX MOAB, Multi-MOAB, and mini MOAB devices simulate opposing forces IEDs. These can be roadside IEDs, vehicle-borne IEDs, or suicide IEDs. The BattSimFX MOAB’s are a fraction of the cost of what it would take to employ, make and deploy small explosive charges on exercises. The MOAB’s can be used 700+ times on a single refillable, regulated, propane and oxygen cylinder. BattSimFX MOAB’s reduce the risk of exercising military personnel, as no live explosive demolition charges are used.

More information: Battlefield FX

Regional Offices & Locations
Nautilus International United Kingdom Nautilus International Risk Consultants Ltd Unit 12 Newfields Business Park Stinsford Road Poole Dorset BH17 0NF +44 (0) 1202 682 244 Contact Website