Industrial & Tactical Grade Inertial Sensors for Defense: IMU, VRU, Tilt Sensors, INS & AHRS
3DMGQ7 GNSS-Aided INS Tactical-grade dual-antenna RTK GNSS/INS

Tactical-grade dual-antenna RTK GNSS/INS

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The 3DMGQ7 GNSS/INS is a powerful tactical-grade navigation solution featuring low-noise and low-drift MEMS inertial sensors and dual-antenna RTK-capable GNSS receivers. It can be paired with the SensorCloud RTK corrections service for centimeter-level accuracy and superior performance even in the most challenging of conditions.

All sensors are fully calibrated, temperature-compensated, and mathematically-aligned to an orthogonal coordinate system. Thanks to sophisticated auto-adaptive Extended Kalman filtering and advanced sensor fusion, the GNSS/INS delivers highly accurate computed outputs under challenging real-world dynamic conditions.

Dimensions 76 x 68.6 x 13.3 mm
Weight 78g
Accelerometer Random Walk 20 μg/√Hz
Gyro Random Walk 0.15°/√hr
Accelerometer Bias Instability 5 μg
Gyro Bias Instability 1.5°/hr
Attitude/Heading Accuracy 0.05° roll & pitch
0.25° heading (dual antenna)
Position Accuracy ±1.25m RMS horizontal single point
±2m RMS vertical single point
2 cm RTK (10km from base station)
Velocity Accuracy 0.05 m/s