Industrial & Tactical Grade Inertial Sensors for Defense: IMU, VRU, Tilt Sensors, INS & AHRS
3DM-CX5-AR VRU & Tilt Sensor Embeddable vertical reference unit and tilt sensor
3DM-CX5-AR VRU & Tilt Sensor

Embeddable vertical reference unit and tilt sensor

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3DM-CX5-AR VRU & Tilt Sensor

The 3DM-CX5-AR is a compact and lightweight OEM VRU and tilt sensor, designed to meet the needs of system integrators. It incorporates a triaxial accelerometer and gyroscope as well as temperature sensors to provide high-precision attitude tracking. The sensor is ideal for antenna stabilization, autonomous vehicle navigation, artificial horizon requirements, and more.

Each 3DM-CX5-AR sensor is individually calibrated and fully temperature-compensated for optimal performance. The rugged machined aluminium enclosure provides protection in demanding environments with high levels of shock and vibration.


Dimensions 38 x 24 x 9.7 mm
Weight 8g
Power Consumption 500 mW typical
Accelerometer Noise Density 20 μg/√Hz
Gyro Noise Density 0.005°/sec/√Hz
Accelerometer Bias Instability 0.04mg
Gyro Bias Instability 8°/hr
Attitude Accuracy EKF: ±0.25° RMS roll and pitch typical
CFs: ±0.5° static, ±2.0° dynamic roll and pitch typical