ITAR free Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions for Sea, Land & Air applications
GNSS Compass Plug-and-play GNSS/INS navigation and heading solution
GNSS Compass

Plug-and-play GNSS/INS navigation and heading solution

The GNSS Compass is a plug-and-play GNSS/INS navigation and heading solution. It is commonly used in both marine and autonomous agriculture applications. Visit Website Contact
GNSS Compass

The GNSS Compass is a low-cost all-in-one GNSS/INS navigation and heading solution. It provides an accurate dual antenna GPS-based heading that is not subject to magnetic interference. It can maintain accurate heading during GNSS outages of up to 20 minutes and features high accuracy RTK positioning. GNSS Compass is plug and plays with NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000, and Ethernet interfaces.